This is a bad waveform |
Vehicle: |
Nissan Micra |
Ch A: |
No 1 ignition coil |
Ch B: |
FirstLook sensor in the exhaust |
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Nissan Micra with Faulty Injector Driver Waveform Notes
The above waveform shows a Nissan Micra with a faulty injector: the injector driver for cylinder number 4 was found to be faulty which meant the injector was not opening.
In this waveform the FirstLook sensor is in the exhaust and it shows a big difference in exhaust pressure between cylinders 3 and 2 as there is no combustion taking place in cylinder 4. Firing order is 1342. The blue trace shows ignition on cylinder 1 (when cylinder 1 is firing cylinder 4 is on its exhaust stroke).
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